Monday 3 December 2012

WEB 2.0 Capacity Workshops

Group 3: The Rebels November 29th 2012
Joshua Vernor
Gordan Cazaubon
Millines Herman
Charis Auguste-Powell

“So you thought you knew it all, huh?” was what came to my mind when I watched a video presentation called Social Media Revolution 2012 during the workshop. To be honest, I felt like a fossil at the moment. I thought I knew it all, being young and energetic but I had no idea of the impact of this workshop, until Wednesday Evening.

That evening I visited our newly constructed Facebook page and saw 22 likes on the page and I got excited. Then I went to view our blog and saw a comment. These pages were less than 24 hours old and they had already received an international audience.

Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity Workshop was amazing. It was everything a consultant ‘robbed’ from our pockets and more.
I felt that this training was long overdue. Dropbox will make my life so much easier since I always forget my pen drive. I really wish Google Map was more advanced. It would probably help me find my pen drive. Well we still have to wait for that feature although there are ways to track your cars and phones with satellite systems.

Being in the field of Agriculture we need to keep abreast with trends, technologies, etc., and the use of Google Reader made this possible for me. I used it from the first day it was formally introduced, and I believe that my coworkers will like this too.

How many times do we have to sign and re-submit reports? Not anymore thanks, to Google Drive. This is a tool secretaries would love to teach the Permanent Secretaries to use, and it would save our planet a lot of trees.

Being a field officer, I like my work to be Wiki; speed is a must in this day and age. It was unfortunate when our internet was down during the workshop. It slowed down the mood of Workshop, but thanks to but Training team our spirits stayed up. Could we get a “WIKI BUTTON” for Lime St. Lucia Ltd? They are truly limited.

I came into this workshop as a zero, and am leaving as a nine. The ten, I will be given after I pass on this training to my department. Your time spent was not spent in vain. It was energetic, empowering, fun, in other words amazing.

In closing we would like to thank you for everything, Team Web 2.0.

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