Monday, 3 December 2012

From the Group  Belle Jardin

The Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity workshop which took place in Saint Lucia 26 – 30 November, 2012, was timely for us in the sense that, although some of us use computers daily at work and home, we may not be aware of new developments and tools in the use of the internet and World Wide Web.

The Web2.0 allows us to interact and collaborate with each other as opposed to the old fashion way of where we were limited  to just viewing information. It promotes the benefit of working co-operatively with tools that demonstrates the organization or individual research interests and enhances learning for all.  It is substantially different from previous web technologies. The presentations on the different applications made us aware that, instead of simply using these tools individually, there is the possibility to use many of them together and also “integrate” the use of them, making our tasks much easier. We are now able to create applications and websites that will gain more credibility.

We learned how to conduct searches, subscribe to feeds, and make use of Google reader and Google alerts. We also learned about Drop Box, Face book, how to blog and make use of Google maps and Google drive. We were introduced to Wikis and LinkedIn. We were shown the possibilities of collaborating with colleagues on documents at the same time and also in short time spans from different locations on the world. We were also exposed to the world of Skype and virtual conferencing.

Web2.0 engages participants in learning by having us assume some of the responsibility for integrating and maintaining the social software systems.  The web is now a major driver of education and research and this offers new perspectives to students. It supports a positive approach to learning, by allowing us to share publications, ideas and links to relevant resources.

Overall, it was a great workshop. More time however, will be needed for some participants to practice the different applications that we were introduced to.
Maybe, the workshop, in future, could concentrate on ensuring that participants have the foundation upon which to progress individually, and also as collaborators in the future. Finally, participants should commit to sharing what they have learnt with colleagues, friends and families!

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