Thursday, 11 July 2013

Women on the Land: Creating Conscious Community

Documentary presents women’s role in agriculture; Local women contribute with music, paintings:

Many women have played key roles in agriculture through the years, working by themselves or with family members to produce enough food to feed themselves, with maybe enough left over to bring to market and make some money. 

A documentary film titled Women on the Land: Creating Conscious Community, will be featured in two upcoming performances at TSJC. The film will be shown on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 6-8 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 9, from 2-4 p.m. at the Massari Theater on the TSJC campus. Admission is $5, with children 12 and under getting in free.

Local artist Jaquie Gipson, who did the soundtrack for the film, will perform live during the screening. Original paintings by artist Karen Howl, based on scenes from the film, will be available for viewing. Amanda Gray, who is featured in the film, will speak about her experiences as a skilled farmer and goatherd.

Adapted from The Trinidad Times. To read more on  Women’s role in agriculture

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