Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Connecting Caribbean Farmers Via Radio and Web 2.0

According to Roderick St Clair,  the host of 'Eat Caribbean radio programme', "[f]armers do not always have time to read booklets and guides, however useful they are. But they can listen to the radio while they work and hear from people just like them, experiencing, and solving, the same problems".

His talk show, broadcasting since 2011, focuses on the local farmers - their success stories and challenges  as well as the Agriculture Value Chain - fulfilling the needs of the buyers, that is the supermarkets and exporters.

Guest speakers/advisers range from expert farmers to Agriculture Value Chain members. Farmers now have the opportunity to seek advise from each guest adviser.With this opportunity they have access to answers pertaining to the following topics: banking, transport issues, and concern buyers. Besides the regular advise from the guest speakers, the programme also provides training courses such as how to work in and develop a value chain.

To read more on connecting our local farmers, click the following title: Talk about shared experience

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