Following the rate at which some sectors of economy are being neglected by Nigerians, agricultural experts who are versed in on-line business have alerted the Nigerian youths to the economic benefit and employment opportunities of e-agriculture which has been under tapped in the country.
The experts, at a forum on “e-agriculture and its role in reducing unemployment and hunger” in Lagos recently said the youth unemployment rate can be reduced by 14.2 per cent by e-agriculture if properly utilized.
On the other hand, organisations like RISE and other like organisations should without fainting keep the grassroot and community enlightenment, empowerment quest going which may be little, considering the youth population of the country but go a long way to effecting change in people’s lives.
The YPARD Local Representative in Lagos, Kalu Samuel said millions of rural farmers have access to phones or at least have a phone that can make and receive calls and unemployed youths should utilise the Information and Communication Technology channels like Bulk SMS, to create a platform for communication with these rural farmers and create time to physically see and encourage their works.
To read more, ‘E-agriculture will create 500,000 jobs for youths’
Adapted from National Mirror.